Friday, 13 January 2012

Me Time

I'm very lucky and I do get time to myself now.  It has taken a while and while there is nothing medically wrong with Adam his additional support needs have meant that we very rarely asked anyone to look after him for us.  Our families are all a couple of hundred miles away and relying on friends isn't ideal  Add to that the fact that we have 3 more younger boys and you can see people backing away...... lol

Not working is helping, I meet up with a friend regularly for lunch or exercise - followed by lunch!  I do think that hubby feels I should be in the house though making sure it is clean, tidy and dinner made (he should know after 26 years that I'm not that domesticated)

We are also very lucky in that one of my friends fosters children with additional needs and disabilities and this means her daughters have been around different children all their lives.  Her youngest daughter is now our babysitter.  She is only 16 but has a maturity and ability greater than many of my friends.   This has allowed us to go out a little bit more together and I am hoping she is happy to do this for a wee while longer and doesn't find a boyfriend (only kidding but you know girls stop wanting to babysit when they get a boy!)

Adam loves her coming round.  She is more like his friend and he doesn't seem bothered that she is telling him to go to bed at a certain time.  I also think he quite fancies her friend lol

Good luck to all of you in finding someone who can give you a break.  It is the most important thing to get even an hour to yourself to do nothing or something but at least its your choice.


  1. Thanks Looking for Blue Sky, it does make a difference knowing we can leave the boys with someone we trust. We still don't go out a lot but knowing the option is there is great x
