Saturday, 21 April 2012

Coping with Stress

I think I cope with stress pretty well.  I do get a bit shouty at times - but everyone ignores that, and I sometimes get snappy.  I did get to a point though last year where I was crying all the time.  I had been moved from an office where I had a very varied and autonomous role to one where I was a member of a team carrying out a purely admin function.  I hate admin.  I've done it for over 10 years and it was ok because my role was varied and much more than just paperwork.  Once I got moved paperwork is all I did. 

Anytime I was asked if I liked my new job I started crying.  I hated going in.  In the end I went to the doctors.  She prescribed time!  She signed me off for two weeks.  I woke the next morning feeling great.  It made me start to think about stopping work altogether. 

I was signed off for 6 weeks in total.  In this time I investigated how much money we would have/not have if I stopped.  I discussed it with my partner, my mum, my friends.  I tried to get rid of the guilt I felt at not wanting to work anymore. 

In the end I took the decision to stop. The day I went to see my manager and handed in my notice was the best day ever.  I walked out of the office feeling like a great weight had been lifted from my head.  Its the best decision I've ever made.  My house is no tidier - but I have time to sort things for Adam, to pick the little ones up from school, to go on school trips, help out in school.  I'm also trying to set up a parents group for parents who have young adults with special needs and sorting out Adams support plan.

I go swimming with my friend and we have lunch one day a week. 

I still get stressed, but I am able to cope with it better as I have some time every day to myself.

Coping with Stress
The idea behind this is to use Saturdays to spread awareness of the needs, feelings and accomplishments of children and adults with additional needs or autism. Members of Twitter are asked to make awareness posts on Saturdays using the tag #specialsaturday.
Bloggers are asked to write about their experiences of achievement by people who have additional needs or autism on Saturdays. Members of Facebook are asked to write status updates that help spread awareness on Saturdays. Members of both Facebook and Twitter are asked to use the Twibbon that’s designed to spread awareness of the Special Saturday can be found specialsaturday twibbon to add to your profile pictures. Please add your friends and help us spread awareness. People with additional needs have struggled for too long to be accepted as equal members of society and this MUST change.

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Epilepsy Awareness

Adam has epilepsy.  I wanted to share when he had his first fit. We already knew he wasn't developing at the right rate.

He was about two and half and we had been out to visit friends locally.  On the way home I knew I needed to buy butter so called into the local garage shop.  Adam was sleeping in the car seat in the back of the car so I pulled to the side of the forecourt and locked the door while I was in the shop.  I could see him the whole time I was in there - about 5 mins. 

When I got back to the car he didn't seem right.  He was shaking all over.  I got in the back of the car and took him out of his car seat and tried to give him a cuddle.  At this point I realised something was badly wrong.  He wouldn't stop shaking no matter how much I tried to soothe him.  I began to panic.  I tried to get out of the car but the child locks were on all the doors and I had to put down the window to open the door from the outside.

I think I thought he was dying! It sounds so dramatic now but I can still feel the emotion while i'm typing this and it was over 17 years ago.  I know I was screaming for someone to help me.  The manager of the garage took me into an office and put him in the recovey position while he called an ambulance.  I don't know if the manager had seen someone have a fit before but I am eternally grateful for the way he remained calm and helped us.  He took the drama out of the situation and by the time the ambulance came Adam had stopped fitting and I could give him a cuddle. 

We were taken to hospital but they thought he had a febrile convulsion.  We were sent home the next morning. 

Anyway I can't remember the next fit really.  I do know that they became more frequent and he had a lot of absences - times when we thought he could be daydreaming but really were small fits.  As many people have said I thought a fit always meant falling on the floor and shaking all over.  Adam's were very rarely like that.  He did have warnings, his right thumb used to twitch and he knew one was coming.  If we could get him somewhere quiet we could often ride this out. 

After much testing he was given medication.  Sometimes it worked straight away.  We've had changes of medication over the years and it took a long time to get him stable. He has had several EEG's and numerous stays in hospital after the first few.

I don't think until it happens to you, you realise how scary it is.  I am a very calm, capable person but I went to pieces.  Even the second and third time I used to rush him to hospital.

He hasn't had a fit for about 8 years! He takes Lamotrigine and Topirimate daily.  He is really good at taking tablets and even asks for them now.  I have asked if we could try and take him off medication but was told by epilepsy nurse that because it took such a long time to get him stable they wouldn't recommend it as he may never be stable again if he starts taking fits due to reduction in medication.  It doesn't affect him - yes we are aware of it.  I always let everyone know just in case but its one of those things. 

When he was being transferred from the children's hospital to the adult epilepsy team his nurse - who we have known as long as he has had epilepsy - said when they did the EEG there were parts of his brain that weren't as they should be and were very different to a normally developed brain.  I can't remember ever being told this when he was a child.

I have found this quite emotional to type, more than I thought I would.

Epilepsy Awareness
The idea behind this is to use Saturdays to spread awareness of the needs, feelings and accomplishments of children and adults with additional needs or autism. Members of Twitter are asked to make awareness posts on Saturdays using the tag #specialsaturday.
Bloggers are asked to write about their experiences of achievement by people who have additional needs or autism on Saturdays. Members of Facebook are asked to write status updates that help spread awareness on Saturdays. Members of both Facebook and Twitter are asked to use the Twibbon that’s designed to spread awareness of the Special Saturday can be found specialsaturday twibbon to add to your profile pictures. Please add your friends and help us spread awareness. People with additional needs have struggled for too long to be accepted as equal members of society and this MUST change.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

A Radical Idea

I have had my parents visiting this weekend and we have been discussing the welfare reforms and where the jobs are going to come from. I thought I would share my idea with you.

Currently the Government are keen to get everyone out to work including parents.  Whilst I agree that everyone should have the CHOICE (note the word choice!) to work - I don't think that this is the answer to our current problems. 

I would like to see the Government increasing tax credits to allow one parent to stay at home longer.  This could still work out cheaper than paying towards our childcare costs as in the present system.  I think this should be available for either mum or dad but I appreciate it may be mainly mum's that will choose this.

By paying one parent to stay at home I think it would help on several levels.  Those parents who want to be a homemaker can do so without fear of not being able to afford it or of being harrassed into getting an interview. 

Parents would be able to take their children to and from school without using them as an unpaid babysitter

There would be nursery places available for those parents who wanted to work and less waiting time. 

There would be more jobs available as those parents currently working take advantage of this more generous parental package.

I realise that my idea is probably quite controversial and won't sit well with everyone.  I know that as women we have fought for years to have these rights to allow us to go back to work after having a baby and to have the same opportunities as men.  I don't have a problem with that and I am far from 'mother earth' or a perfect parent.

But.......since I have stopped working I think I have realised that a lot of what we were told is not true..... we can't have it all.  Maybe we can try but something loses out.  Either we don't give ourselves fully to our jobs, or we miss something of our children's like concerts, open days etc.  If we manage both of these  we are probably beating ourselves up about our house not being perfect or not having a home cooked meal every day.

When I was working I had a job I enjoyed.  I had a manager that was flexible and if I needed to take time I could.  I only worked 17 hours a week and thought I was coping great.  I wouldn't have said I had any stress.  But I woke up 2 - 3 nights a week for around an hour or two.  I  always said that I didn't need a lot of sleep and that I was like my dad (he gets up regularly).  Since stopping work in November I haven't got up through the night once!

I know a lot of people will probably disagree with me but I really believe that there should be a choice available.  Maybe it wouldn't work - maybe we have come too far and not enough parents see staying at home with their children as a valid choice.

What do you think?

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Us Time

We do try to get Us Time - even if it is just in the house, having a couple of drinks together, watching tv, doing crosswords etc. 

Sometimes this is hard to do. 

Not only do we have a 19 year old with a severe and complex learning disability we also have 3 younger boys.  As you can imagine looking after our brood takes a fair bit of time.  We've no sooner tidied up than they've made a mess and we need to start all over again.  Add that to the constant washing, ironing, cooking, doing dishes etc.

Gone is the sponteniety - we need to plan more.  So we try and set aside one night a week when my partner isn't working the next day.  We try and organise a nice meal for ourselves and have a couple of drinks, play music and just spend time catching up with our news.  

This has become a bit easier since I stopped working.  There feels to be less pressure on us as I can catch up with everything while kids are at school and we get on much better as a result.  The other good thing about stopping working to look after my family is that it doesn't matter if its a late night as I don't mind getting up and once kids are at school I can always jump back into bed! lol


The idea behind this is to use Saturdays to spread awareness of the needs, feelings and accomplishments of children and adults with additional needs or autism. Members of Twitter are asked to make awareness posts on Saturdays using the tag #specialsaturday.
Bloggers are asked to write about their experiences of achievement by people who have additional needs or autism on Saturdays. Members of Facebook are asked to write status updates that help spread awareness on Saturdays. Members of both Facebook and Twitter are asked to use the Twibbon that’s designed to spread awareness of the Special Saturday can be found specialsaturday twibbon to add to your profile pictures. Please add your friends and help us spread awareness. People with additional needs have struggled for too long to be accepted as equal members of society and this MUST change.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Self Directed Support

My son is getting Self Directed Support.  Is this a good thing?  At the minute I've still not fully made my mind up whether this is a good thing or not. 

When Adam left school 2 years ago he had a place for 3 years at college on a development course and a supported (funded) voluntary postition in a cafe run by an organisation that gives training to adults with learning disabilities.  He also had one day a week at a day centre and when college was on holiday he went to the day centre an extra 3 days a week.  The funding for him to attend the day centre was around £17000 pa

He really liked the day centre.  He had the opportunity to try different activities, he was part of a walking group and they did some educational stuff like keeping yourself safe and relationships.  They could also target any learning specific to the service user if there was something in particular that needed addressing.

He also had the chance to meet girls! He is 19 and loves girls.  Being in the day centre allowed him to have a 'relationship' He had a couple of girlfriends while in there and was becoming quite the heartbreaker.

Anyway things change.  The budget cuts to education has meant that his 3 year course is now a 2 year course and finishes this year.  He has also been assessed for Self Directed Support (SDS) and has stopped attending the day centre.

First let me say we love his Social Worker.  She works very hard to maximise his opportunities and is always available, even if it is just a quick text to answer a query.  However, I don't feel that his SDS is quite right.  He currently gets support from 8.30am - 3.30pm and 6pm - 10.30pm on Friday and 12 - 5pm on a Saturday, he also gets extra support when the college is on holiday.  This support is shared with another young man that he already knows and this allows them to maximise their funding - The cost of this support is around £8,000pa

We didn't really have a choice in whether to take SDS or not. It was promoted in such a way that we didn't know we could keep things as they were or take a combination.  We also weren't given a choice of providers for the support.  It was just assumed that this is who we would use and the board approved it and paid money straight to the provider.  Some of this might be my fault as I didn't question enough, however, I didn't have much knowledge at this time and although I was given things to read none of them were from the Scottish Government and most were about the process rather than our opportunities.

Adam enjoys his support.  On a Friday they go to either the library or the gym and then to a club where the support organisation run a karaoke.  This is good  fun and everyone enjoys themselves either singing or dancing.  On the Friday evening there is a disco organised locally for adults with disablities (mainly learning disabilities).  There are around 200 people attend this from all over the west of Scotland and Adam loves it.  Beer/Girls what more does a 19 year old young man want!!

Saturdays are spent in the main ether bowling or pictures and here is my problem.  I feel that this is an easy shift for the support staff and I think it is more like befriending for a young person than support for two young adults. 

I would like the support on a saturday to give them an opportunity to try different activities or challenge what they like.  Neither of them have behavioural issues, Adam needs support to ensure that he is safe and his money is spent appropriately and his friend is non verbal.   I feel the team leader is not prepared to think outside the box to maximise their oppportunites.  Their activities cost around £30 per week on top of the cost already paid by the LA and while I don't mind paying - after all this is why he gets DLA - I would rather they did things that we can't do as a family. 

I am not sure what the answer to this is at the moment.  We have had a review where the team leader agreed to look at things but up to now nothing has changed.

We also have a small problem of when Adam finishes college.  He will have 3 extra days a week to fill and no extra money.  His social worker is currently looking at voluntary positions for him that do not have to be paid for.  However these may not materialise.  I am dreading the possibility that he may have to spend his days with me.  I love him dearly but he is a young adult and he hates spending any length of time in the house or with me.

This could also be a problem for other families where both parents work.  When your disabled child reaches 16 the Government says you should go out and find a job.  This has been the time that I have found it harder to continue working and this has culminated in me stopping working.  When your child is at school you know they are there from 9 - 3 every day.  When school finishes things are not as secure and there may be days that they are not getting picked up till 9,30 and may be dropped off at 2pm.  How are you supposed to keep working then.

I'm not sure what the answer is for Adam.  Maybe we should look at other providers but I'm not even sure if we are locked into a contact with his provider for a certain length of time.  Probably these are questions I need to be asking.

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Special Saturday - What this special needs parent says over and over

The theme for this weeks special saturday is what we say over and over again as parents of special needs children.

My day usually goes something like this:

Time to get up,
Get up,
(5 mins)
(2 mins)
Get up or your taxi will be here

Have you been to the toilet
Wash your hands and face
Don't hit your brothers
Get dressed
Get dressed
Yes its college today
Do you want toast or cereal
you have to eat
Do you want toast or cereal
No its not football tonight
no you can't have coke
toast or cereal
no time for cheesy beans

take your tablets
have you had your tablets
yes its dancing today
has he had his tablets
No you're not working today
hurry up
take your tablets

Go and clean your teeth
Hey handsome (cos he's usually admiring himself in mirror instead of cleaning teeth!)
clean your teeth
use the towel (not your t shirt)

put your shoes on
where are your shoes
put your shoes on
put your shoes on....
yes you're going to college
put your coat on
put your coat on
put your coat on
hurry up your taxi's here

Hi did you have a good day
what did you do?
did you enjoy yourself
did you have a good day
don't eat that its time for tea
Thats really good
Don't hit your brother
You're dribbling
No you can't have coke
no you can't have beer!
are you ready?
your bus will be here soon
you need the toilet
hurry up
your bus is here
remember your coat
take your scarf
enjoy yourself

Did you enjoys yourself
Get ready for bed
Get your jammies on
Get ready for bed
Time for bed
Take your tablets
Take your tablets
No you can't eat again
time for bed
No you can't play x box
Time for bed

I feel this is quite negative looking compared to what others have written, we don't have much medical interventions.  However we have days of continually repeating ourselves with asking and answering the same or similar questions every day.  Despite that we do have a good time

Saturday, 21 January 2012


The theme this week in Special Saturday is Setbacks.  I have really had to think about this one as many things run ok for Adam.  In a way we manage his life so that things that go wrong don't affect him.

The one thing that does upset him and leave us dealing with an angry young man (although I'm sure this is fairly typical teenage behaviour) is when his social clubs/activities stop in the holidays.  Every time there is a school holiday many of his activities also stop.  These range from his football, to his dancing class to his youth clubs.  So along with having no college during the daytime he also has nowhere to go on a night.  As he lives for his social life this can make things very difficult.  He will ask regularly where he is going that day and cannot always understand why these clubs have stopped. 

I understand that everyone needs a holiday, however I think many of these clubs should still be run during the holidays.  As many of our children and young people like routine the fact that these clubs are off at the same time as school/college can be quite a lot of changes to deal with at one time. 

I wonder what everyone else thinks about this?

Sunday, 15 January 2012

The Party

Last night me and the boys went to a party.  A girl that Adam went to school with was 18 and had invited all of us to her party.

It was wonderful......

We arrived about 8pm and the party was in full swing.  There were a lot of people there and it was surprising to find we didn't only know people from school but also from Adam's college, from his dancing class and also from some art activities he has done previously. 

Lots of younger children were there so my other boys didn't feel left out and no one seemed to worry that there were lots of young children.  Some parties that children are invited to I feel they are expected to sit quiet all night. 

The buffet opened just after we arrived and there was lots of food for everyone.  Adam as usual filled his plate and finished the lot.  The younger boys enjoyed the chicken and the cakes.

Then it was time for the dancing.  Everyone danced with everyone else.  It didn't seem to matter if you hadn't met the person before we all just joined in.  Adam and Ronin (5) didn't sit down all night and I wasn't far behind.  Nathan who is almost 9 and Mackenzie who is almost 7 were entertained for most of the night by the dad of one of Adam's school friends.  He showed them lots of simple tricks with coins which they are still practising today.

We all sang Happy Birthday to Rosie and danced some more.  The boys didn't pester me for drinks all evening and it was lovely and relaxed.  At 10.30 I said to them we were going to make a move to leave and none of them wanted to go. In the end we stayed to the end and eventually left at midnight after dancing to the traditional Runrig version of  'Bonny Banks of Loch Lomond'  Even Nathan and Mackenzie joined in with this which is a miracle.

It was such a good night I am contemplating having a party for Adam when he is 21.  It just showed how everyone can join in together and enjoy a night that is relaxed and fun for everyone.

Friday, 13 January 2012

Me Time

I'm very lucky and I do get time to myself now.  It has taken a while and while there is nothing medically wrong with Adam his additional support needs have meant that we very rarely asked anyone to look after him for us.  Our families are all a couple of hundred miles away and relying on friends isn't ideal  Add to that the fact that we have 3 more younger boys and you can see people backing away...... lol

Not working is helping, I meet up with a friend regularly for lunch or exercise - followed by lunch!  I do think that hubby feels I should be in the house though making sure it is clean, tidy and dinner made (he should know after 26 years that I'm not that domesticated)

We are also very lucky in that one of my friends fosters children with additional needs and disabilities and this means her daughters have been around different children all their lives.  Her youngest daughter is now our babysitter.  She is only 16 but has a maturity and ability greater than many of my friends.   This has allowed us to go out a little bit more together and I am hoping she is happy to do this for a wee while longer and doesn't find a boyfriend (only kidding but you know girls stop wanting to babysit when they get a boy!)

Adam loves her coming round.  She is more like his friend and he doesn't seem bothered that she is telling him to go to bed at a certain time.  I also think he quite fancies her friend lol

Good luck to all of you in finding someone who can give you a break.  It is the most important thing to get even an hour to yourself to do nothing or something but at least its your choice.

Saturday, 7 January 2012

How we cope with the holidays?

We love the holidays.  A is a true social butterfly.  He enjoys the change in routine, the fact he can stay up late, the friends we have over and the party atmosphere.  I think he would have a party every day if he could.

The thing we don't like is that all his clubs and daytime activities stop.  We are just coming to the end of the Christmas holiday and some of his social activities have stopped for 3 weeks!!  While I appreciate that everyone deserves a christmas holiday I do think that more should be done to provide activities over the holiday times.  A lot of our young people like routines and structure and stopping for holidays makes things more anxious.  Although A isn't quite as bad as some for routine and doesn't get too stressed it can still be a bit upsetting for him.  He tends to know what day it is through what is happening i.e., college and youth club = Monday, college and football = Tuesday and so on.  All holiday I have been asked 'is it college tomorrow?, is it football?'  Sometimes repeatedly!!!

However, in general we have had some good times this holiday.  We have had friends over and family visiting.  We have been to the pantomime which all the boys loved (and the adults too), I will be glad to get everyone back to the routine of normal family life though, college, school, and packed lunches.   Roll on Monday!

Thursday, 5 January 2012


Now I've finally managed to publish my first blog, after numerous failed attempts, I thought I would would introduce my family.  A is almost 20 and has a severe and complex learning disability (more of that later).  We spent the first 10 years of his life coming to terms with having a child with special needs and also looking after him.  Then we decided we didn't want an only child and had N who is almost 9 going on 14!  We then went a bit mad and had M who is almost 7 and R who turned 5 just before Christmas.  As you can imagine our house is never quiet.

When A was born I had quite a long labour and at one point his heart rate dropped but they put in a drip to raise it and let me carry on.  When he was born I just remember them putting him on me and taking him straight away to special care - just to keep an eye on his breathing.  This was the middle of the night and I had him back by 7am the next morning. 

At first everything seemed ok.  I didn't really know anyone with a baby and I thought they didn't really 'do' anything for the first year (having had 3 more how wrong was I??!).  At his 8 month check his health visitor said she was concerned that he wasn't sitting properly and should be moving around a bit more.  There began a round of never ending tests, hospital visits etc etc.  I am thankful that I had a good health visitor as she put lots of supports in place, got him into nursery early with extra support and ensured I had lots of information. 

Almost 20 years later and we still have no diagnosis.  Outwardly he looks no different (well almost!) to his brothers.  Inwardly it takes him ages to process information.  He can't follow directions - even asking him to get his shoes from his bedroom can leave him confused.  He has no concept of danger and although he knows why he shouldn't walk in the road he is unable to judge speeds to allow him to cross a road and cannot equate the fact he knows its dangerous with how to behave.   He knows that you spend money to buy things but has no concept of cost or how much to give the shopkeeper or how much change he should receive.  He enjoys social situations, but I worry about his safety as I feel now that he likes girls his behaviour is not always appropriate.   Because he looks 'normal' and he isn't as 'difficult' to look after as someone with multiple disabilities I sometimes feel a fraud.  Then I look at my friend who has a son the same age.  She can leave him to look after her younger children, he works, is learning to drive, has a girlfriend, goes out on a weekend and goes on holiday with friends.  All things that A is not able to do.  Maybe we all feel like this at times?

I worry about his future.  Big changes are happening as he reaches 20.  His money will change on his birthday as in the government's eyes this is when he becomes an adult.  Apparently he will need around £100 a week less to live on as an adult and will need to start paying a client contribution to his support.  I also worry about where he will live and how he will cope.  We have always discussed with him that he should have his own flat when he is older - but how old.  He is talking about it now but I still feel he is too young.  He still plays football outside with his younger brothers and their friends.  He wouldn't be able to do this if he lived somewhere else.  Also would his support ensure that he ate healthily, didn't drink too much coke, got out in the fresh air, went to bed at a decent time!  These decisions will need to be taken but for now we're just muddling along as usual.

Monday, 2 January 2012

Making the Decision

I had been working for the local council for 10 years as an admin assistant in a small community rehab.  It was a great job.  It was busy but I was my own boss to some extent and the manager believed in giving you the time you needed to look after your family - so I could take an early or longer lunch to attend things at school or take kids to doctors. 

When my youngest started school in August I decided to go part time rather than job share so I could pick them up from school.  I was told that I may need to move office which I agreed would be ok.  I didn't realise the impact this would have on me.  When I was moved to a local office where I knew lots of people the change was massive.  I missed my old job to the extent that I didn't even want to go to work. I missed seeing service users and the chaos that sometimes entails!  I found that I don't really like admin! (A fact I kind of knew but had managed to mask for so long because my previous job was so varied)

After suffering for 3 months I went to the doctors and promptly burst into tears.  The doctor was great, rather than prescribe medication she prescribed time and signed me off for 2 weeks initially.  She also discussed what I do - looking after the boys, being a housewife etc and how years ago this would have been a job!  I am eternally grateful to her for helping me to see that it is ok to want to stay at home and look after your family. I have been given a strong work ethic by my family which led to some feelings of guilt at giving up work - but all my doing no one else is putting on the pressure.

Anyway she signed me off for another 4 weeks which gave me time to look at what money we would receive if I stopped and work out if we could survive.  We're actually going to be about £10 a week better off! 

Lots of people have asked what will I do?  Will I not get bored in the house all day?  I know its been the run up to Christmas and maybe things will change a bit but up to now I'm still struggling to find time to spend in the house.  I have friends who work different shifts and am able to meet them.  I can get the kids to school and then do the shopping when its quiet.  I have been filling in forms to claim my carers allowance, housing and council tax benefit.  I have been able to make appointments to meet with professionals connected with my eldest son's care and I am loving it.  It means when the boys come home from school I am able to do their homework straight away as dinner is already on and I am not rushing round trying to do 6 things at once!

I have lots of plans for the new year - but for now I am getting my house in order, best wishes to everyone.